Some of the things I will be bringing to the Frag Swap


Premium Member
Hello everyone,

Here is a quick count of some of the things I will be bringing with me to the frag swap. The number of frags is typed beside the name of the frag.

GM Green w/ Blue Tip insignis - 4
Green w/ Orange Polyp Digi - 5 or more
ORA Blue Tort - 6 or more
ORA Green Birdnest - 6 or more
ORA Australian Delicate - 2
Pink w/ Purple Polyp Birdnest - 6 or more
Pink Birdnest - 3
Leng Sy Cap - 4 (these have the ridges and white polyps)
Purple Tip Valida - 5 or more
Orange Rics - 5
Pokerstar Monti - 3
Idaho Grape 6 or more
Rainbow Granulosa - 3
Rose Pink Mille - 15 or more
Orange Centered Zoas - 2
Blue Mille - 1
Green Slimer - 4
FragFarmer Monitpora Setosa - 2 (this is the first time I will be fragging this)
Tyree/Atlantis Pink Polyped Cap - 5
Rainbow Monti - 3 or more
I might be bringing some devil armor palys and rainbow palys.

These are just some of the things I will be bringing. I have others to frag and I have not done so yet. I will also be bring a few free bag of chaeto with me if anyone wants. Maybe 3 sandwich bags or so.

Thanks and I hope to see you all there,

Awww, no oregon tort? Weak :p

awesome list mike. I can't wait to see it all

This swap is going to be the sickest SPS swap anywhere...
I had one Oregon but it is spoken for so I never added it to the list he he he. Sorry. That is probably the slowest growing coral I have ever seen.

I will also be adding:

Yellow Scroll
Few frags of an unkown deepwater I have
A green Acro I have
Highlighter acro

I would love to get some of those frags. However, I will be tied up with other things that weekend. The SWFMAS open house/raffle/auction is the weekend after your frag swap. If you have anything left, we (I) would love to have you bring it over to Fort Myers.
Mike's tank is truly a beautiful tank with tons of very very nice sps .
Typical as well as most wanted pieces growing in there.
Well worth the frags and time.
Plus him and his wife are extremely nice!
So :free thumbs up for the racer.
Yes I have to agree....Mike and his wife and family's are very nice
Thumbs up 4 the racer
Hey Thanks alot for the kind words guys. I will be working on getting some pics up in a bit. Just have some other things to finish around the house. Plus get ready for the game tonight LOL.

Matt - pm-ed you back!
Here are some pics of the mother colonies froma little while back:

This pic has the pink polyp cap, GM insignis, and idaho grape

Here is the rainbow granulosa and highlighter acro

A poor shot of the purple polyp Birdnest

Blue tort

ORA Green Birdnest
Yellow Scroll

Pink Rose Mille

Neptune Green Zoas

Green Acro

Pokerstar Monti

I hope to get some others up soon enough. Sorry for the bad pics. Some a from past frags and other from in December of last year.

Thanks everyone,

Hey Guys,

If you are all really interested then you can pm me with what time you guys were thinking you might wanna stop by. I never thought it would spark this much interest LOL. I am home during the week after 6pm and on weekends you can surely find me. Just shoot me a pm. I should have more than enough to go around before the frag swap.

Thanks for the interest guys,

I think it would be better to wait cause if everyone went around selling their frags now the swap would be empty. I also want some caps
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11769077#post11769077 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djmicl
To have an idea on how much $ to bring to the Fragswap. What are the general prices Frags going for?

I agree with what Carlos has pointed out in the fact that I should not really sell anything before the swap as it would not be fair for others. As a result unless I have contacted you prior to this thread regarding a sale before the frag swap, I am not going to be selling before hand. I will however try to make as many frags as possible.

Feedback would be nice in this area so I know what everyone is more or less interested in so I can bring more of those particular frags. So feel free to let me know what you guys think.

As for pricing I will post specific pricing later but, the frags will range in price from $10 - $80.
As an example I plan to have the Rose Mille at around $10/inch or there about (usually the frags of this particular coral are more than an inch LOL), the most expensive will be the FRAGFARMER Motni Setosa at $80 for 1/2inch (these will be the most limited in number). This is however and awesome monti and you really have to see it to get the full effect LOL. It plates/whirls, encrusts and branches all in one, and the color is super bright, almost glowing. It cost me an arm and a leg to get it here, plus it grows relatively slowly, hence the high price.

Remember guys let me know what you will be more interested in so I can make more of those. I don't want to have too many left over frags as space for them is limited in the frag tank.

