Some pics from our 180 @ about 6 months in now

Love the variety of corals and growth!

Thanks, between my gf and I we like a little bit of everything

Great corals! You have a full tank shot?

Nice work

Appreciate it! Will get some more pictures up soon!

Another beautiful BB.. tanks such as this one makes me want to ditch sand.

Or is that sand? Not sure..

Thanks! I have about 80 lbs of sand in the tank with frag rack underneath. Im starting a barebottom tank and plumbing into the same water column so i guess time will tell which works better on my system
Quick Blurry Iphone video for my own personal future reference. Something to look back on in 6 months. If you want to spare yourself hearing my roommate in the background talk about Gaussian Laser Propagation i suggest using mute :)

What a cool setup! Looks amazing... Congrats and thank you for sharing.

Just wish my wife would let me have that many tanks in my house... lol