Some Soft Corals for Sale or Trade


New member
I have a ton of loose mushrooms in my tank. Green striped and red mushrooms. 2 to 5 inch diameters. 3 for $5

I also have some small frags of the leather pictured in y gallery 1-2 inches $3 a piece.

Will trade for other soft corals or mushrooms that are not green or red.

Located by dekalb
Pictures in my gallery.

Are you coming out to the next meeting? We will have a frag swap. Last one was done lottery style. Bring a frag get a number. Lowest number pics 1st then so on till frags are gone. Seemed to work well. If you do bring some extras too. I have purple shrooms I can trade you. I'd take some of the red and green stripe. LMK
I will be unable to make the next meeting I have a wedding to go to. Rob I met you at the frag meet at Ocean's floor. I would like to get a couple more of your mushrooms. I hope to make the following meeting.


Which ones did you get? The purple's or molted grrens? I keep a 55 gal with all shrooms and just keep clipping them for trades and such so when ever we can meet up is fine by me.
I picked up 3 of the purples. They look real good in my tank. I think I want to try a couple of those greens next time.
