Some uber VHO action


New member
These pics are with some wicked 4x110w Superactinic VHO action going on.

First picture is my new addition, a coral that I've been looking for for a while, and finally got a BEAUTIFUL piece from a local. Thank you very much again!!!!! It's the GARF Purple Bonsai :) :) :)

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Second picture is of some Fire and Ice zoanthids. Eat 'em up softy lovers :p

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Cheers :)
Oh and Mike, I'll get pics of yours up too eventually. I just couldn't take a good pic because the tripod didn't reach high enough to take a straight on shot, and I don't have my macro lens, so I can't shoot it from across the room anymore, I have to be right up against the glass. They look ballin' too though.
Very Nice Eric. The look great.

I have a simple oint and shoot, that is why I am unable to take pictures as good as others.

I am looking into getting a new camera just need to save enough for it.

Pieces look great!!!