Some zoas and polyies I scored at our frag swap

Dave VG

New member
We had a frag meet on Saturday and I scored some very nice stuff










awesome Dave. I have been wanting to go to a frag swap. Maybe soon. Do they do mostly sales or do they do trades also? Did the seller have more than one polyp frags? One polyp frags make me nervous but I know they will do good in your hands.
Sorry forgot to get back to you guys.

awesome Dave. I have been wanting to go to a frag swap. Maybe soon. Do they do mostly sales or do they do trades also? Did the seller have more than one polyp frags? One polyp frags make me nervous but I know they will do good in your hands.

Every swap I've been to does both trade and purchase deals. And yes and no to the polyp thing. He had some with more than one polyp and some with only one but of course the price was more for the multiple polyp ones and some were only offered as one polyp deals period. I wanted to optimize my buying in a quantity way and by buying one polyp deals I feel I got more for my money. Does that even make sense lol. They have been doing real well so far and most are sprouting babies as we speak lol.

Cha ching.. nice score dave :beer:

Thanks Friday appreciate it.