Something appears to be releasing sperm or eggs in my tank. Help id please


New member
OK, it happens to fast to take a picture, so here is a description:
1) Sporadicallly, something is releasing a small cloud of... goo into the water column of my tank. Since I actually see it happen every few days or so, I have to assume it is happening a lot when I am not watching the tanks.
2) The goo cloud is whitish and a bit stringy, but disperses fairly quickly.
3) It is coming from behind a rock about mid height in the tank, always from the same place, so I am guessing a stationary creature.
4) It is not a fish (accounted for) and I only have a couple of snails and hermit crabs in the tank.
5) The goo started before I put any coral in the tank, just live rock. Assuming it is a hitchhiker from my outstanding live rock (thanks Reef Life)
6) It is not a problem, the volume is very small and its not like a whole bunch is clogging anything. I just want to know what it is.
Any ideas?
Most likely snail spearmies. lol... but from what i read and heard the cloudy goo stuff you described is snails reproducing or w/e its called
I am not sure what exactly that is but i have seen that before, it is unlikely it is spern, I think it is waste from some kind of tube worm, I have a few in one of tanks and they do it often too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8264781#post8264781 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
I am not sure what exactly that is but i have seen that before, it is unlikely it is spern, I think it is waste from some kind of tube worm, I have a few in one of tanks and they do it often too.

Oh that reminds me of a tube worm as well. From Mevelsreef:


This interesting kritter is found in most reef tanks near the rockwork or in the substrate of the refugium. The worm (possibly a Chaetopterid or Spionid) secretes a mucous to build a small tube with sand grains (two tubes visible in the image above), and extends two 'palps' for feeding. The worm itself is very small (1/10" to 1/4") but its tentacles can be up to 10 times longer than its body. Chaetopterid is pronounced "key-top-terid." Reef-safe

Its like a Spaghetti worm, or thats what its referred to by others. It builds its tube through pulling pieces of substrate and then blows out these cloud like puffs of smokish color. I banished mine to the refugium since it annoyed me. A LOT!
If you have a big spawning, increase your skimming. This, however, sounds like a stomatella snail, which puffs like a steam engine when spawning, or a rock-burrower of some sort doing his work and throwing out debris.