Something consticting my rainbow palys


I have a few rainbow paly heads that are sitting on a frag plug. Theres one big head and the other 3 are babies. My problem is that most of them if not all of them arent opening up as much as they could and it looks like something is constricting them. They kind of have a brown film around their bases. What should I do?
Funny, my Raptors Rainbows just started doing the same thing. The frag was fine when I got it a few weeks ago. I fragged them today. Took all the polyps that had brown off and mounted them to another frag plug and put in my 10g "experimental" tank. Both of the frags have started to open some today.
Funny, my Raptors Rainbows just started doing the same thing. The frag was fine when I got it a few weeks ago. I fragged them today. Took all the polyps that had brown off and mounted them to another frag plug and put in my 10g "experimental" tank. Both of the frags have started to open some today.

Im gonna try a dip with ReVive right now. Ill let you know how it goes.
Well the larger polyps all opened today. Smaller polyps haven't opened yet but they are pretty small. Before I fragged I also dipped mine in Furan 2. They were open today so I'm keeping fingers crossed that they make it.
What would cause the bacteria? So far (keeping fingers crossed) it's the only ones that I see it on. Should I worry about it spreading to the others?
Bacteria is always pressent in the aquarium- and somtimes it finds somthing to feed on, and grows for a while in the tank. Cyno is a big one, and is possibly what ya got going on in your tank. It can spread- but might not.
Bacteria is always pressent in the aquarium- and somtimes it finds somthing to feed on, and grows for a while in the tank. Cyno is a big one, and is possibly what ya got going on in your tank. It can spread- but might not.

I did a ReVive did and the brown film looks to be mostly gone but the polyps themselves arent opening very much. Im hoping they survive.