Something Fishy Friday Calfo Meeting..


Dr. Zooqi
Premium Member
Few guys from
REEFNEST will be attending the big event by
something fishy
this coming Friday and we are looking forward to this. Few of you have emailed me about bringing frags to donate to the schools and is our time to start filling one more school with corals


We do have books to go next to this but we can always use your old books to add to reef section in the


They did not have any books and with the help of everybody we have a whole section in the library and I have seen students reading some of them too :)

If you have any donations please make sure you put your name on it (not the coral but the bag or container that you have the coral in) :) and if you are bringing books please put a piece of paper with your name in it.
Thanks and looking forward for this meeting and to see everybody else.
oh, forgot to say that Todd has told me that is ok if people bring stuff for schools to his place and he always been a good support.

Your help and support is valued.
Hey Mo,

As long as I didn't pack them up yet I will have a couple books for you on Friday. They are very basic books though, do you still want them?
