I have posted this in the disease section as well but I am starting to think it might be something "Clownfish related". Just noticed the same clownfish being very aggressive towards the tang and she dances a lot to the male, maybe she is starting to mate? Anyhow please guys help me out here, have you ever observed this kind of problem with other clowns or this is just a bad wound? Do you think it looks like her guts are getting out? :headwallblue::worried2::sad1:
Some history - I have been treating two ocellaris clowns and an Yellow Tang against ich via Cupramine followed by hyposalinity treatement. They have been in the QT for more than 4 months now, all because the sypthoms existed after two following cupramine treatements. A week ago the hyposalinity was over the fish seemed good and currently await two more weeks before moving to the DT.
The yellow tang from time to time is showing some aggression to the clownfish as he is trying to push them out of his pvc hiding place. Nothing drastic though, he is just poking them with his tail as I call mild aggression sign. I have never seen the YT biting or chasing the clowns, they even sleep together in the pipe sometimes.
This morning though I woke up to see a redish thing sticking out of the female clown's body. There seem to be a 1mm wide wound and from its center something like a piece of flesh is sticking out. I am clueless. What I can think of is: 1. Some kind of parasite, maybe a worm is piercing out of her body. 2) The tang has bitten the clown and pulled an intestine out 3) The tang has bitten the clown and left a tooth in his flesh (this is less likely as ive seen dead tang's teeth, which are very thin.
These are the only possibilities i can think of. In the QT there are hang on filter and 2 pvc pipes so the fish could hide. There are no sharp items where they could hurt themselves. Also, during the QT period the fish went throgh 4x PraziPro treatements so a worm is less likely. I just do not know what to do now. I was thinking of netting the clown and pulling out what is sticking out of him, but if that is an intestine, that would be a bad idea. Should i let it be in a hope that it will drop off and wound will self-heal? Should i start using Doxicycline (the only useful antibiotic i can find here in EU, no minocycline etc.). Any ideas will be GREATLY appreciated... this clown has been with me for 2 years already and I do not want to let her die. For now she seems to be ok. I saw her biting some pellets once or twice, she is swiming around the pipes near the other clown. I will attach some pics that i tried to take - they are quite blurry as she is afraid from the camera and fast hiding.
It seems that one more piece now is sticking out of the wound now. If these are intestines how the hell I see two ends as in the body they do not have a "free end"
Some history - I have been treating two ocellaris clowns and an Yellow Tang against ich via Cupramine followed by hyposalinity treatement. They have been in the QT for more than 4 months now, all because the sypthoms existed after two following cupramine treatements. A week ago the hyposalinity was over the fish seemed good and currently await two more weeks before moving to the DT.
The yellow tang from time to time is showing some aggression to the clownfish as he is trying to push them out of his pvc hiding place. Nothing drastic though, he is just poking them with his tail as I call mild aggression sign. I have never seen the YT biting or chasing the clowns, they even sleep together in the pipe sometimes.
This morning though I woke up to see a redish thing sticking out of the female clown's body. There seem to be a 1mm wide wound and from its center something like a piece of flesh is sticking out. I am clueless. What I can think of is: 1. Some kind of parasite, maybe a worm is piercing out of her body. 2) The tang has bitten the clown and pulled an intestine out 3) The tang has bitten the clown and left a tooth in his flesh (this is less likely as ive seen dead tang's teeth, which are very thin.
These are the only possibilities i can think of. In the QT there are hang on filter and 2 pvc pipes so the fish could hide. There are no sharp items where they could hurt themselves. Also, during the QT period the fish went throgh 4x PraziPro treatements so a worm is less likely. I just do not know what to do now. I was thinking of netting the clown and pulling out what is sticking out of him, but if that is an intestine, that would be a bad idea. Should i let it be in a hope that it will drop off and wound will self-heal? Should i start using Doxicycline (the only useful antibiotic i can find here in EU, no minocycline etc.). Any ideas will be GREATLY appreciated... this clown has been with me for 2 years already and I do not want to let her die. For now she seems to be ok. I saw her biting some pellets once or twice, she is swiming around the pipes near the other clown. I will attach some pics that i tried to take - they are quite blurry as she is afraid from the camera and fast hiding.

It seems that one more piece now is sticking out of the wound now. If these are intestines how the hell I see two ends as in the body they do not have a "free end"