something killing my zoas?


So my problem started when I added an Orange Bam Bam frag to my tank. The first couple of days the Bam Bam acted like it was going to open up and then the polyps just stayed shut and within a week or two they all rotted away. They got that clear look to them and just started flaking away. Now it seems that what ever was killing those has spread to my other Zoa colony. Now some of my dragon eyes are staying closed up. They've been that way for a week, and I noticed one of them is getting that clear dead look to it. I just dipped all my remaining zoa's and besides a few pods, I didn't see anything that could be causing this. What could be causing this?
I should add that all my water params tests fine. So it's not my water quality. On top of that I am religious about doing weekly water changes. So my water quality is great. All the other corals are opened up and seem really happy. What ever I have going on is only affecting my zoas.
How "good" is the water quality? You need to check with tests.

Normally the "clear look" is related to temperature and/or light issues, but chemistry could aggravate the scenario too.

Well I don't dose anything because mainly keep softies and I don't have to yet. I tested the water and everything checks out fine there. My temp is steady. I haven't changed anything with the lights. It's the same lights that the dragon eyes have been under for almost 8 months. Nothing has changed. The only thing I did different was add a new frag right next to the other ones. The new frag died off, and now it seems like what ever killed it is affecting my other zoas.
I just thought of something. I do have them kind of close to a hammer coral, and I wonder if that isn't releasing a sweeper at night and stinging them?
It could be, yes, specially if other zoanthids, far from the coral, are doing fine.
Keep an eye on that!
Make sure you post the numbers for your parameters.

Yes, I checked for pests, thats why I gave them a dip yesterday. I was looking at everything very closely trying to see if it was anything munching on them. I saw a few pods in the dip, but no nudie or spiders or anything. I moved the hammer over a little bit yesterday, and since dipping them and putting them back in the tank, some of the polyps that were closed yesterday are starting to open. So it could have been a hammer, or maybe I killed a pest on them from the dip. I'm not sure. But at least today everything seems to be doing better. I will keep you guys posted if they go down hill. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions/replies and help.