Sorocaba Reef - 260g SPS

Beautiful corals and overall setup! I especially like the way you can remove colonies at frag time and put them back easily. Do you mind if I ask a couple of questions to copy your ideas?

It looks like you must have drilled holes in your rock to give the plugs a place to rest in. Did I get that correctly?

Are your frag plugs and frag cement made using DIY recipes or are thy commercially available? What brands?

Beautiful corals and overall setup! I especially like the way you can remove colonies at frag time and put them back easily. Do you mind if I ask a couple of questions to copy your ideas?

It looks like you must have drilled holes in your rock to give the plugs a place to rest in. Did I get that correctly?

Are your frag plugs and frag cement made using DIY recipes or are thy commercially available? What brands?


Yes ReefKeeper64, we've drilled many holes in all the rocks (the 3 main rocks are made of plastic)

We buy ceramic plugs, put a hole in the middle and glue a piece of acrylic 8mm bar in it...





Yes ReefKeeper64, we've drilled many holes in all the rocks (the 3 main rocks are made of plastic)

We buy ceramic plugs, put a hole in the middle and glue a piece of acrylic 8mm bar in it...






Thanks really creative!

I've often thought to myself when gluing a new frag to a rock, "I wonder if this is the right spot for this frag?". I will definitely give this a try.

Thanks for sharing the details on how you make em!
Wow! Very very beautiful!
How old is the tank?
I see you handling a lot of frags but your display has some very nice sized colonies.
Did they all start out as frags?
Wow! Very very beautiful!
How old is the tank?
I see you handling a lot of frags but your display has some very nice sized colonies.
Did they all start out as frags?

Thanks, 3 years old reefmutt...

We got 40 species today (main tank + frag tank)... most started as frags
We thank you all !

sure glaukos...

NO3: undetectable
PO4: undetectable
KH: 6.5 ~ 7.5
CA: 410 ~ 430
MG: 1.250 ~1.300
K+: 400 ~ 450
SG: 1.025
Temp: 78.8 ~ 80.6ºF

the T5s right now are (front to back)...

1- Narva Blue2
2- Narva 10.000K
3- Narva Blue2
4- Giesemann Pure Actinic
5- Narva 10.000K
6- Narva Blue2
7- Giesemann Pure Actinic
8- Narva Blue2
9- Narva 10.000K
10- Narva Blue2

How do you get such colors with undetectable no3 and PO4? My corals fade at those levels. I keep no3 at .5-2.5 and PO4 around 0.01-0.03. You must be doing something to get those results.

How do you get such colors with undetectable no3 and PO4? My corals fade at those levels. I keep no3 at .5-2.5 and PO4 around 0.01-0.03. You must be doing something to get those results.


About our taste ReefKeeper64...

If we let the No3 goes up a bit, indeed some corals improve their colors, but others goes the opposite way

The Sohal went away a few weeks ago... and we could notice a color fading in some acros, fish **** helps

Another thing that we use and helps a bit are Amino Acids, and thats all we use for colors along with trace elements through the balling salts
IME, you can really pop coral with very low N and P with good T5 and MH lights.... much harder, but not impossible, under LED. I keep mine very low, as well. The ZEO (and the like) tanks in Europe that really pop are mostly T5 tanks with a few MH sprinkled in.
JDA, I’m running an ATI 8x54w T5 fixture just 3 inches off the water and agree with you completely. My corals do well with T5s.

Ricardo, I haven’t paid much attention to amino acids and just considered them another form of carbon. Based on your feedback, I’m going to have to do some experimenting. Thanks for sharing your recipe!
JDA, I'm running an ATI 8x54w T5 fixture just 3 inches off the water and agree with you completely. My corals do well with T5s.

Ricardo, I haven't paid much attention to amino acids and just considered them another form of carbon. Based on your feedback, I'm going to have to do some experimenting. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

ReefKeeper64, we found out other supplements as just another form of carbon (like ZEOfood7), but not Amino Acids
ReefKeeper64, we found out other supplements as just another form of carbon (like ZEOfood7), but not Amino Acids

It sounds like your amino acids are beneficial. Thanks for the details about that.

I also use ozone and saw your comment about you using it for water clarity. I feel that ozone provides other important benefits and I suspect that you are probably realizing the additional benefits. Whatever it is you're doing, its working!
It sounds like your amino acids are beneficial. Thanks for the details about that.

I also use ozone and saw your comment about you using it for water clarity. I feel that ozone provides other important benefits and I suspect that you are probably realizing the additional benefits. Whatever it is you're doing, its working!

Which other important benefits? :-)
Which other important benefits? :-)

My anecdotal experience is that water clarity is improved, odors are eliminated and I never experience diatoms. From a scientific standpoint, Ozone kills bacteria and viruses on contact. It also destroys toxins released by corals when then are battling with each other. It's also effective in destroying organic contaminants, pathogens, and a variety of inorganic materials. Fish health is improved, which is why ozone is often used in commercial fisheries. For all of ozone's inherent power, it is perfectly safe and will not adversely affect people, pets, or equipment when properly installed. I followed the instructions on setup, vented skimmer exhaust outside, only run it at night, and use a controller fitted with an ORP set of a max ORP of 325 (ORP at 450-500 becomes too much of a good thing). I couldn't be happier with the results. I think the OP receives the many benefits as well.
Those are some really nice sticks you have. Colours are outstanding on them. Nice choices on sps. Pleaee keep posting new pics. How about some filteration details and pics, Im a bit of an equipment nut.