SOS zoanthid help/ tank help


New member
I have a few different types of zoanthids and have been having problems with them opening. There are some bigger ones that open fully when the halides are on then theres others that open half way then close after they go off. There is also these little bugs on the glass and rock that are little, red, and have a forked tail. All pics provided please let me know if u need to know any more.:headwalls:





This is the best one i could get of the bugs.
Flatworms is what the bugs sound like. Google their image. I don't know if they harm zoas though.

What's your water parameters?
Ca: 450ppm
Mg: 1400ppm

Tetra Dip Strips:
Nitrate: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Alk- 120-150ppm
pH: approx. 8.0

Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 0ppm
pH: 8.1-8.2
Amonia: 0ppm

Hanna Checkers:
Phosphate: .15ppm(Due for water change and GFO change)
Alk: 133ppm(7.25 dkh.....roughly.....little low but not bad)
Calcium: 450ppm

Salinity: 1.026

I dont think they are hurting them, just irritating them. When the halides come on the ones that dont open, open about half way then they close up when there off. The pic i saw looked exactly like what i have.

For fish and other live stock i have 6 chromis, hermits, snails, 3 urchins, a peice of acro, and a war coral.
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Are the things all over pods? If they are, theyre perfectly normal and are a good thing to have in your tank.

How long have you had the zoas? They might be adjusting to the light. Also check your parameters like you kh,nitrates,ammonia etc. I would just go down the list and see if anything is out of sorts. If you cant find anything then theres nothing you can do but give it time.:headwalls:

This is exactly what i have. The water parameters ive had checkedout by a few LFS and they said for a 4+ month old tank its all pretty normal. Ive had the zoanthids for probly almost 1.5 months.
those are flatworms. they dont eat corals but will block light by being on the them as far as i understand it.

your first picture doesnt look like light acclimation, it looks like a disease and their melting. i think you need to look at dipping that frag. have you checked at night for pests?

the hair algae probably isnt helping in the 2nd picture. the third picture is that sand all over the zoas?
The cyano is a pest right now....but I have dipped that frag and another that looks like that in ReVive solution 2 times. Im gonna wait up a little tonight to see...
You can use Salifert Flatworm Exit to get rid of the flat worms. But a couple of precautions:

1. Siphon out as many as you can find, before treating you tank. When they die, they release toxins into the water. Too much can be really bad for your tank.

2. I would wait until you solve the problem you are having now. You don't want to add to the problem.
those are flatworms. they dont eat corals but will block light by being on the them as far as i understand it.

your first picture doesnt look like light acclimation, it looks like a disease and their melting. i think you need to look at dipping that frag. have you checked at night for pests?

the hair algae probably isnt helping in the 2nd picture. the third picture is that sand all over the zoas?

looks more like diatoms, not gha, either way the tank would be better without it. i would also try to get rid of the flatworms, regardless if they appear to be hurting anything or not. wrasses will eat them, as will some other fish too
Wrasses will eat them? The only thing is is that there is a **** ton of them and I read that once the flatworms start to die off with the Flatworm eXit wait like a half hr then start to do a big water change and run lots of carbon because the carbon neutrilizes the toxins. So what does everybody else think? Should i go for it with the flatworm exit because they are crawling over everything. Any more input is greatly appreciated.!!!
Id use the flatworm exit as I have heard it kills zoa eating nudibranches as well which could be another reason why your zoas are POed