Sourcing Calcium Chloride in Memphis


New member
Hey everyone. I am looking for a good source of some calcium chloride locally so I can start using Randy's two part in my tanks. I am looking for lab/food grade materials that preferably don't have high concentrations of bromide.
I'm interested in this too since I thought the recipe had changed and some of it wasn't available.

From the reading in the chemistry forum that I have done the recipe is still basically the same. The big change was a move away from CaCL2 that was manufactured by Dow. It seems they are now leaving bromide in their manufacturing process.

The effects of bromide in a reef settings are not known but it sounds like with regular water changes most people have not had any ill effects. This is all info that I have read from the chemistry forum or Randy's site so I am by no means an expert on the subject matter. I am just trying to have a good understanding of what I am putting in my tank and it's effects on my livestock.
i have a couple containers of calcium chloride and soda ash from Bulk Reef Supply...if any of you are interest let me know...
I can get you lab grade anhydrous CaCl2. use 2 cups per gallon.

That is fantastic!

I am a new member to WTMRAC (Richard convinced me to join) so I am pretty sure we have never met. If you can provide the details on how I can get some CaCL2 I would be in debt to you.
Sadyl should be "salt." How much for the soda ash tqi? Just curious. I'm going to get my Ca reactor up and running this weekend, but just in case...