"South China Sea tribunal's verdict describes obliteration of fragile reefs"


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"South China Sea tribunal's verdict describes obliteration of fragile reefs"

"Protected by their country's navy, Chinese fishing boats devastated mile upon mile of pristine coral in Philippine waters, using their propellers as blades to hack out giant clams buried in the reefs."


There is probably not much suprise here, they have no problem polluting their own drinking water to support low margin industery. Why would they care about a reef no where near their mainland.
Sounds like a fake news, don't be fooled by the media.
"using their propellers as blades to hack out giant clams" ????
Sounds like a fake news, don't be fooled by the media.
"using their propellers as blades to hack out giant clams" ????

In this case it would be more like don't be fooled by the international tribunal... In any case there are reports of this dating back almost a year and I have seen video of them doing it.

Google is a powerful tool.
Aren't they also burying reefs to create artificial islands to support territorial claims to the South China Sea?
S China Sea is the most important area in the world right now, IMO. This is the beginning of an aggressive China that was inevitable as soon as their economic growth slowed to realistic levels. Get ready for more.
Sounds like a fake news, don't be fooled by the media.
"using their propellers as blades to hack out giant clams" ????

Whaaaa? Should really be more in tune with global news..

Chinese fisherman are dragging anchors (there is video of this) to rip up the reefs and get Giant Clams -- The Chinese navy / Government is allowing this so that they can build artificial islands in the contested South China Sea. These islands are militarized and threaten to shoot down any ship or plane that strays too closely (Including American planes).

These Spratley islands allow the Chinese military to jump easily to Vietnam and Taiwan. Taiwan is basically a rebel country which wasn't recognized by the UN for a long time, they split from China and China has always wanted to "reunite the country" (Hitler used this tactic early in WW2 as German land was split post WW1). Of course America supports Taiwan.. And an Attack of Taiwan is an attack on America.

The Spratley islands, the Chinese threats towards any and all who go near them.. This is a huge flashpoint right now. Especially with Russia and China holding joint "War games aimed at fending off American military" right now.

Lots of big stuff going down in south china sea.
... Taiwan is basically a rebel country which wasn't recognized by the UN for a long time, they split from China and China has always wanted to "reunite the country" (Hitler used this tactic early in WW2 as German land was split post WW1). ...

I'm not disagreeing with you on the rest of your post, but these points are fairly inaccurate.

Taiwan is not a rebel country or a "renegade province" like China wants everyone to see it (and bribed lots of small countries and organizations to support that view in the UN), but rather an independent country in it's own right which was occupied by the Kuomintang forces after they lost the Chinese civil war.
At that point Taiwan was still officially under Japanese sovereignty (until the Treaty of San Francisco took effect in 1952). The Empire of Japan had won the island "fair and square" in the Sino-Japanese war but lost it again in the aftermath of WWII. China itself had only annexed the island in the late 17th century, so it's hardly native Chinese territory to begin with.
My wife's family is native Taiwanese and the natives hated Chiang Kai-shek's brutal occupation force (see White Terror) more than the Japanese.
The reason that Taiwan didn't become an independent country like East and West Germany or North and South Korea is Chiang Kai-shek's idiotic refusal of a two-state solution offered to him by the US at the time the UN was recognizing the PRC as the "rightful" claimant to the Chinese UN seat. Old and senile then, he rather wanted to maintain his claim on all of China and still had delusions of a successful invasion of the mainland.
Back then China would have had no means to prevent Taiwan's independence but today it would likely mean war.

As for our glorious (or rather idiotic and foolish) "leader" Adolf Hitler (democratically elected! - so much for the value of that) - he did use a whole host of reasons to annex neighboring countries or wage war, but reuniting the country wasn't one of them (unless you meant the Austrian "Heim ins Reich" Annexation, though that "split" was over a century earlier when Napoleon dissolved the Holy Roman Empire in 1806). The most popular reason was to protect "German minorities" in other countries (Czechoslovakia) (the "democratically elected" Russian tyrant Putin is copying that approach right now with some success in Ukraine), or defending Germany against orchestrated (fake) attacks (from Poland). He also used a (fake) coup to take over total power over the Nazi party and country (right now somewhat copied by Erdogan, another "democratically elected" tyrant).
Germany was only split after WWII.
After WWI it lost some territory to the newly recreated Poland which caused Eastern Prussia to become an exclave separated from the mainland (kind of like Alaska), but it was not "divided" or "split".

... Of course America supports Taiwan.. And an Attack of Taiwan is an attack on America. ...

I really hope so, but that may depend on who is the next leader of the US.
Any signs of isolationism and not being willing to protect allies at all cost in the event of a Chinese (or Russian) invasion may just trigger such.
You're right ThRoewer, I've always been taught it was a rebellious splinter from China. I also was talking about Austria, although I must have mixed up my lessons because I thought that was post WW1 -- Although I'd wager you're correct, I'm not an enthusiast and "lets remember that lecture from 12 years ago" isn't my best game haha.

Otherwise. America has sent a lot of military goods to Taiwan and (I think) supported in the past. I think it's seen as a strategic stronghold, because if China gains Taiwan it can easily access the rest of EU, and to us in 'Murica.