South Plantation High tank upgrade


2018 FMAS President
A little background:
As many of you may know, our Broward County meetings, frag swaps and other events for FMAS are held at South Plantation High School. They are very supportive of our organization and we try to give back whenever possible.

For those who attended the August meeting, we learned that several students will be working on senior projects and asked for our help/mentoring. If you want to find out more information on how you can help just PM me or Nivram.

Special Thanks
Marvin, Matt, Carey and Maria for their help and support.

The School Project: a 230gal reef tank
It's the Main tank as you walk down the hallway to our meeting room.
Here's a little tank info:
Tank has been running for about 10+ years
Acrylic 230gal system (72L x 23W x 36T)
Stand is Metal frame, a little rusty but in overall good condition
25gal wet/dry sump - yes, bioballs!
Chiller (large drop-in type)
2x 250W Metal Halides (bulbs: unknown age, could be 8 years old)
AquaC EV240 skimmer (nonfunctional)
external return pump

Here's some equipment pics:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 2014-08-27212926_zps4b82e6e4.jpg"/></a>
Here's a view of the sump area. To the left you can see the chiller(black box).

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 2014-08-27213042_zpsd5c8c1c2.jpg"/></a>
Here's a close up of the return pump and protein skimmer pump.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 2014-09-10164149_zps80ed61d2.jpg"/></a>
Here's a close up of the nonfunctional AquaC skimmer. One of our first priorities is to get this working.
Just thought I would post an update. This week we replaced the 8 year old MH bulbs. The 2 seniors at SPHS (Kal and Alhandy) worked hard cleaning the reflectors, replacing the bulbs and rehanging them above the tank.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo image1_zps0970352c.jpeg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo image_zps78b22554.jpeg"/></a>
We also added an R/O DI unit to the room. (special thanks to my partner, Maria)
Next week:
Add a barrel for r/o storage and a gravity fed ATO for the tank.
get the protein skimmer running!!!

Will post more updates and pics.
nice is this a reef tank or just fish

The tank has about 10 fish
yellowtail damsel
green mandarin
neon goby
skunk shrimp
unknown baby tang (bristle tooth)
turbo snails
royal gramma

Corals: all in fair to poor condition
colt leathers
palys (cinnamon)
misc zoas
purple gorgonia

Has quite a bit of live rock, lots of Coraline algae growth
Will take some pics of the display next week. Other than the MH bulbs, we havnt really done anything to the DT yet.

Next week is skimmer and ATO and "maybe" a new sump...matt and I are working on it.

Then we attack Nitrates/Phosphates:

Lanthanum to remove phosphates. Who knows how much PO4 those rocks are holding on to. ;)
Hoping to set up a methanol denitrator; definitely some type of carbon dosing to lower nitrates.

I'm hoping to get the tank under control by the end of this semester so we can focus on fish and corals come January 2015.
Really enjoying this project. The kids are awesome! They are eager to learn, focused on the tasks, taking notes, asking questions and willing to dig in and get their hands dirty. Looking forward to next week so we can see the smile on Dave's face when the skimmer is finnnnally running... Lol
Thank you Dave, Maria and Matt for not only the time you have dedicated toward helping these students revitalize this tank but also educating them along the way.

This is how we grow the hobby!
Good job. I have lanthanum and couple brand new 7" 10 micron socks you can use.

might have socker holder too.

You can also take my IV bag to drip it if you want.
If you need help give me a holler. I tend to be free on week days and can help with tanks or reply what ever the kids need for their projects. I know the one who wants to try different mounting methods really Interested me. Also I have bulk fritz chemicals still from last macna if u all can use them. Either way I'm free for almost anything. Let me know
Need some 1/4" tubing for this weeks project.

Last week we installed the r/o di unit. This week we will be installing two 55gal barrels for r/o collection. One will be used for a gravity top off and the other for general r/o water collection. I need quite a bit of 1/4" tubing for this run.

I'll be at the meeting tomorrow; if anyone has any extra 1/4" tubing longer than 4 feet that they can donate to the school I'll be there to collect.

Any equipment needed still? May have some stuff lying around.

Thanks for the offer. The tank we are working on has NO internal pumps in the display and it's 36"Tall. It could use a wp25 or wp40 if someone willing to donate it. ;) If not then a large Koralia or the like for water movement, the tank is 6' long.

Again, I'll be at the meeting tomorrow if anyone wants to donate.
