Southern Colorado frag swap October 20th


Premium Member
Just wanted to give you guys an invite to our frag swap on Saturday October 20th 2007
We will be posting details on our new website soon, we are working on re-designing and updating the site so check it often to see whats new.

We are offering space in one of our 3- 24"x96" purpose build acrylic frag systems for free, no sellers fees and no payback if you sell any corals, all the money goes to the seller.

We are sponsored by Randy will be flying out here and he is providing free food & drink for everyone!
We are also joined by Kris Wray from
he promised to bring tons of colorful frags out from California to sell.
We will have several local fish stores selling Including Premier Fish & Reef in Denver, and Exotic Tropical in C/S.
As well as lots of hobbiest sellers.

We always have killer raffles, this one will be no exception!

Doors open at 9 a.m.

the address is: 7295 Killearn Wy Colorado Springs, CO 80908
PM me if you want space in the frag system to sell or have any other questions.

Vice President SCMAS