SpaceGhost white PE

I tried my best with the lines. LOL! Here:

In regards to the first posted image:

Stolonifera is actually a Sub-order in the Order Alcyonacea.

Gorgonacea is no longer considered valid and Alcyonacea is the accepted name for the Order.

The internet has many mistakes...

Hope that helps.

Hi, so these did end up being bleached and started coloring up. I had them in my temporary tank that was quarantining corals for my in wall system that was being built. I moved all the corals over except this one because the only aptasia in my tank had moved on to the "white pe" and cloned itself a baby aptaisa. These Zoanthids have sat in about 4 inches of stagnate water with 2 inches of sand, so really about 2 inches of water for over two weeks with no light or flow whatsoever and the salinity has risen to an amazing 1.043! The big aptasia has finally released for better placing and is just floating on the water surface since there is no flow. Still alive and sticky but just floating at the surface. The baby aphasia has been moving from polyp to polyp but has not let go. Tonight, I decided this poor coral has had one tough life and cut off the single polyp with the aptasia and moved it into the darkest cave of the in walk tank. It is absolutely amazing what Zoanthids can survive, aptasia too (bristle worms, pods, and mini stars are tearing it up in there too).

I can only hypothesis that these creatures are able to survive stagnate water and ridiculous evaporation (read salinity) because of tide pools. I mean 1.043, that is amazing! So, I have probably turned these things white again, they were turning blue and green. I should change their names from the space ghost white PE to SPACEGHOST Bulletproof PE, lol.

Since I just finished building my glassblowing studio, maybe I should bring that stagnate cesspool slowly back to 1.024 and then seal some sand, macro algae, and whatever is still alive in there into some sealed glass spheres. I already spent hundreds of hours figuring out how to seal saltwater in molten glass (previous unwanted coral eating guerrilla crab jail). So why not?

I will get pics sometime. This thread will die when this poor coral dies...
Oh and don't bust my starfishes about calling Zoanthids corals. I will stick my mermaid on you and you will never safely swim in the ocean again.
