spaghetti finger leather problem


New member
Hello all,

I recently upgraded my tank from a 46 to a 90, and its roughly 2 months old. I have a condi anenome that I transplanted from my other tank and it roamed untill it fount a spot. After that, I put in my corals. The anenome decided to move into close proximity of the leather and stung it. I immediatley moved it away and the black residue that formed on the branches that were stung are sucessfully healing.

Now for the problem. The leather is an aquacultured, thus it is on a pedistal. from the pedistal to about a half inch up the stalk it is brown and dead looking. The top part is bright green, fully extended and firm as opposed to drooping. In short, whats going on to my leather!!!!
mostly all leathers look like that at the bottom. if it is looking good on the top side then don't worry about it.
Yes, they can get crusty ( for lack of a better term ) on the bottom I suppose for added stability.

It should be okay, however the real test is if you gently rub it, it shouldn't flake or disentigrate. It may have still have a somewhat rubbery type tecture but should be more tough.
thanks guys. this is my first leather coral that was given to me as a gift. I knew leathers were strong and adaptable creatures but nothing else. I figured it would do fine in my tank knowing that they dont have any huge needs.