Special requirements for blue zoo's?

Idle Moor

New member
Posted this in main reefkeeping without luck.

Have a small frag of small polyp blue zoanthids not opening well in a very basic 18g nano with 72w of power compact light. I have other colonies of zoo's in there, one an inch away from the blues that open very well. The blues were put in about a week ago, and only about 30% or fewer of the polyps are opening. They are located near the top of my tank, maybe a foot from the lights. They were opening well in the dealer display under MH quite a distance above the tank. Do they have different light, current, etc. requirements? I'm sure someone on here knows.
Some zoas are touchy. I've had some that opened as soon as I got them, and others tooks weeks to fully open. I think my Tub's Blue took a while to acclimate. Blue zoas in general color up better with slightly lower light. I imagine they will do will towards the bottom of your tank.
Thanks. I know zoanthids are a world unto themselves for some people and I'm just a casual observer (I don't even know if this morph has a pedigree or fancy name!). But it sounds like if other colonies are doing ok, this one should too eventually.

My Tubbs were higher in the tank under PC 36w x2 and opened same day as placement.

I relocated them to the bottom of the 28G cube and they turned a deeper blue. no stretching for the light either...:D
can you post a pic? depending on origin low lights can be bad. Solomon blues like higher light, Caribbean lower ...etc.. good luck
can you post a pic? depending on origin low lights can be bad. Solomon blues like higher light, Caribbean lower ...etc.. good luck

Ditto good points. Like geoxman said pic that shows corals and placement would be nice. I have heard flow can play a big role in tubs blues well being. Lets not forget some corals may take weeks to open fully and even longer to get to there full glory of colors. Be patient. What fish do you have in there?