species aquarium


New member
Althought this would be a personnal preference, i would like to hear the comments of u folks here:

In a large aquarium, if u had only 1 type of corals to keep what would the coral/invertebrate?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6830998#post6830998 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alien9168
LPS for me.

Most will probably say sps, but I really like the way sps move around.


Is that a Freudian slip? :)
only one coral? i'd take an acro stag and grow it out real big so that it fills the whole tank....just like what you see in nature :)
There is a picture floating around here on RC with a tank that has star polyps on every single rock surface.

It's pretty cool, I would do a search, but, well, you know how the search is....
I'm in the process of designing a tubastrea tank right now.

Although a tank of rics would be pretty spectacular.