SpiderLight users

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New member
Does anybody out there use the SpiderLight?


I am planning a 6' tank and was wondering what results anyone had using the SpiderLight on a 6' tank with two bulbs.

Thanks in advance for any and all replies.

Have a 3 foot tank using one spider light reflector. Seems to cover the 3 ft area very well. I feel sure there is some drop off at the tank ends but it is not noticable to the eye. It is positioned with the mh bulb ~7 inches off the water. You would be able to position the reflectors more toward each end and balance the center with the overlap. Should work great.

Thanks allot. I was looking for this type of input. Anyone else with experience with the SpiderLight?

I use two MH's with Spider Light Reflectors over my 5'x2'x2' tank and the coverage is complete to the naked eye. The brightest spot in the tank is the center where the lighting overlaps, but the difference between the center and the edges seems minimal.

I use 2 spider light knockoffs (from aquatic lighing I think at 1/2 the price) for my 4x2x2 tank. I have 2 250 MH's under them and it looks great. I even managed to mount my 2 96 watt actinic PC's on inside the reflectors so they take advantage of it too.


I use 2 spider light knockoffs (from aquatic lighing I think at 1/2 the price) for my 4x2x2 tank. I have 2 250 MH's under them and it looks great. I even managed to mount my 2 96 watt actinic PC's on inside the reflectors so they take advantage of it too.

Aloha all, they recommend mounting these things perpendicular to the front of our tanks, dont they?

The top of my hood hinges up from the rear and I would think there would be at least 4 sharp or at least hot metallic corners staring me and my arms in the face. Is this a problem for anybody.

The Aquarium Frontiers article mentioned "dimpled" aluminium. I wonder if Spiderlight will come out with one made of this?

Mike, can you give us anymore info on the knockoff brand?


"Never eat more than you can lift."

Miss Piggy
The Reefsun pendants (Hamilton Lighting) come with dimpled aluminum. I'm not sure if any other manufacturers use it at this point.
The web page is www.aquaticlight.com. Click on the picture of the MH kit and you'll go to a page about their MH retro kits, page down and you'll see their knockoffs. I'm very happy with them. Email me if you have further questions.

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