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What's a good way to get my rics to start splitting more often? I want my tank to be covered in them!!
Fastest and safest way is to feed wait for them to have two mouths and cut.
I'm sorry, but I disagree with "safest." Proper environment and water quality will allow them to split naturally which would be the safest way. A community member above stated something along the lines of "Rushing will result in disaster" that is a statement I whole heartedly believe. If you want more, buy more, if you aren't willing to wait and control the conditions of the aquaria properly so that they do so naturally.
Just IMO.
The split is going extremely slow!! One has 2 mouths and one has 4, but nothing else is really happening. I don't really want to cut them so I'm just gonna be patient and wait.
The split is going extremely slow!! One has 2 mouths and one has 4, but nothing else is really happening. I don't really want to cut them so I'm just gonna be patient and wait.