SPS 40 breeder stocking


New member
Hi all. This is my first SPS dominant tank, so I wanted to get some recommendations regarding bioload (and species compatibility). This is also the smallest tank I have ever had after a 55, a 75, and a 110.

I have a 40 breeder with 20 gallon sump and Reef Octopus Space Saver 110 gallon skimmer. I have room in my sump for extra reactors, so I could potentially add a zeovit or something similar in the future. However, I would love to hear what people are stocking in their SPS dominant 40 breeders and what filtration they have. Any recommendations on my list are very welcome!

I currently have a yellow watchman goby. The following is the current planning on adding (in this order):
Carpenter's flasher wrasse
Orchid dottyback
Ocelaris clown pair
Congratulations on getting the coolest all-around tank in the hobby! Obviously I'm biased ;)

For starters you can get a pistol shrimp to go with that YWG. I run some MarinePure in my 40B so I could cut down on LR in the DT. I just have a simple HOB refugium (~1 gallon) and I also run a bag of carbon in there periodically. I allow some green algae/diatoms to grow in the DT and just hire "lawnmowers" to keep it manageable. I have two golfball size Turbo snails that do the job (actually I may have to get rid of one because of how well they consume algae). Otherwise, my HOB skimmer removes enough waste to prevent my nitrates from getting above 5ppm according to API tests.

Only difference is that I have a Peacock mantis shrimp as my only tank resident (besides some small hermits). But he eats constantly and probably generates the bioload of at least a few fish.

I think your filtration plan is a good one for a 40B. You might also consider a small macroalgae refugium to help with any excess nitrates/phosphates. People have mixed feelings about that, but I think if you set it up right it's a natural way of dealing with nutrients. I have about 10 different SPS corals and they don't seem too terribly bothered by a little stuff in the water. IME, they are far more sensitive to lighting, ALK swings, and flow.

Best of luck!
I am putting in a sailfin tang, but he is small and I plan on upgrading to a 200 gallon really soon... Just kidding haha :p:lolspin:

I hadn't seen a yellow assessor. Cool suggestion and I like that they are available captive bred. I might have to think of adding that (or having it as a replacement).

I thought about the pistol, but I have heard that if the pistol and the goby don't pair up the pistol can be a menace.

I am dosing Kalk in my auto top off, which is keeping Calcium at 450 and Alk at 8.5. I have ~75x turnover with powerheads and 2 Hydra 26 HDs for lighting. Our LFS rents par meters for $10, so I am going to check out what I am running this week. I have my power up pretty high and the Acro frags and an ORA green birdstnest seem to really dig it, but I had to move a pavona into the shadiest spot. I only have a few frags right now but they are looking quite healthy. Planning on getting some more soon.

Thanks for the insights

My yellow watchman goby has been in the tank for a week and there has not been any detectable increase in nitrates (still 0). He is only about an inch long and doesn't eat much. I have had my tank up since May (around 3 months now).

Do you think I am okay to add the wrasse as my second fish, or should I wait a while longer to make sure there is no ammonia/nitrate/phosphate spike?