SPS advice


New member
I've had my reef tank now going on 6 years. It's time to upgrade a little. I want to add some color to the tank by adding some SPS. All my zoas, mushrooms and LPS are different shades of green and the rocks are covered with purple coralline. I'm looking to add some blue and yellow SPS frags. What would be some good frags to consider and where to get them......... Thanks
green slimer is almost yellow under actinic leds. probably my all time favorite coral. hard to find truly yellow SPS. You can also try ponape birdsnest. For blue you have oregon tort, joe the coral, blue polyp birdsnest, other various blue stags, etc
There is a very nice yellow milli going around. I think one of the guys up in Palm Beach (PBMAS) frags and sells it now and again.
Nice, join the SPS family. Blue torts are nice. You wont need yellow glasses to enjoy the brown flowers anymore. Eddie started it. lol

I was in the same boat, just got a couple at MACNA search for these.
Yellow; Sabertooth, Pink Floyd, Yellow Caroliniana, Jamaican lemonade
Orange; Crush, Passion
Blue I had for a while but very slow grower; Oregon Blue Tort