SPS and Zoanthids?


New member
I am sure this has been discussed many times, but do zoanthids sting SPS? I am new to sps and placed a frag near a zoanthid colony. I chose this location mainly due to the fact that there is high flow in that region, and limited placement options. The zoanthids are on a large piece of rockwork within an inch of the SPS frag. Will this be an issue, or will the zoanthids just grow around it?

Any input and experience would be greatly appreciated.

i have a green table arco with tons of zoas growing all over it. theres a bunch touching the branchs with no ill effects.
So, is the general consensus that they my not sting too bad, but they my overgrow the coral. Does you do anything to keep them at bay? If so, What?
I have put them together in reef tanks that I have had in the past.
I had success doing this but I will tell you that I will never, ever do that again. The Xoo's just grew too fast and I had to prune back the xoo's all the time so that the corals could grow out and encrust on the rocks.
Just my opinion.
"I agree with james, i wont do again for the same reasons"

I agree. If not isolated from the main rock structure they will over grow everything! Pruning them is no easy task either. I've tried manual removal, injecting like aips, and it is not worth the trouble.
I also agree, love them but hate how much they grow... I am sure there is someone out there swearing at us for saying this... but they are weeds....
They can be a real pest, along with the mushrooms. I loved them when I first put them in the tank but then realized how much they kept my sps corals growth in check.
This is how I used to deal with them, no joke. I would take those little Cuticle scissors and just go in and cut the area that I wanted removed and then would rip them off. I did the same thing for mushroom but used a tooth brush to make sure there were no traces of them on the rock. Trouble was, I could never really get rid of them.
I think it is a funny twist of nature. What you want to keep is much harder to keep than what you don't.
yeah, I've never had a problem with them stinging any of my SPS, but they can deff overgrow them really fast....I've areas I wish I never had zoas in the first place but then I have other areas like this that much of a problem at all..

Maybe I will try to put a small piece of rubble between the zoos and the sps and use it to create small zoo frags... The only problem I see with this is that the SPS will probably encrust on the rubble... I think I just need a bigger tank ;)
What I do is attach the zoos to a rock and then I place it on the sand bed all by itself. When it out grows the rock and they start to grow onto the sand bed I simply remove the rock and frag the zoo colony. Then back into the tank goes the zoo rock. Makes it so much easier to control the zoos and I get to keep the ones I really like in the tank with minimum effort to control them.
Agree with the last poster. If you can keep it isolated at the bottom of the tank on rockwork that does not have SPS or in the sandbed you should be fine. Just watch very carefully and ensure they do not get onto your rockwork with the SPS and you should be fine.