SPS Bleaching branches by the day...help?? RTN


New member
HEy all I have a fairly new rather large Acropora colony that I noticed beging to blrached out from left to right the other day. I had a heater malfunction and had a 5 deg temp swing,,,,not a big deal but this is when it seemed to happen. I wake up this morning and now 2 branches have it. What do I need to do?? SHould I frag off the dieing branches from the main colony??
Oh yeah, frag em off fast, atleast that's my course of action. But first fix what is wrong or else nothing you do will get it to quit. For an acro even a 5 degree swing in one direction and then 5 degrees back can be stressful, it's rare for a healthy colony, but by no means impossible.
It might of just had something wrong with it to begin with. In the wild acros will have a bigger swing of temp then that. What are your water parameters?
All the water par are in check. It all seems to be happening since I added a phosban reactor. I even got a bad case of red slime algae starting to cover the sand at the same time!!