SPS bleaching


I have a few corals that are showing base up bleaching that seems to progress slowly. I doubt its TN cause there are still polyps intact but no doubt they are bleached.

Any ideas ?

Untitled by J Bolton, on Flickr

Normal ones

Untitled by J Bolton, on Flickr
What is your water testing out to? If you're grasping at straws for answers, it's always a good idea to double check with another set of kits and recalibrate your refractometer. I had a similar situation as you (base up STN as opposed to just bleaching) and my refractometer was off .002 so I was actually running at 1.027. Took me weeks to figure this out
I check parameters twice a week, 1.026 (Milwaukee) 8.2 alk no swings, ca 440, po4 0.02 with GFO (was 0.10 before running gfo a few months back) lots of fish and I feed heavy.

I am confident my parameters are in check and I feel this is something else since only one coral has displayed this for the last 3 months.