Sps browning/beaching? Also Ich discovered

Your alk shouldn't swing like that, that will kill acros having it swing that much every week. How much water are you changing weekly? You need to start supplementing with a 2 part to keep alk and calcium steady. you can try kalk water for topoffs, I would recommend an auto top off to keep it steady. Also I'm pretty sure the brown you are seeing is just algae growing on the dead coral. Birdsnest is alive, but not for long.

I'm doing 20% WC; roughly around 8-9 gallons weekly. I have doing h
I think that's a great idea. It's excellent at maintaining both alkalinity and calcium..
I assume, having done the research, that you are aware of its potentially damaging effects of not used properly.

Both Red Sea (blue bucket) and Aquaforest reef salt have lower alks and wouldn't produce such a shift when used in your system.