Sps fading or STN


New member
I don't know why my sps is fading. I have 3 hydra 26s in a canopy. 6 inches above the water. 8 hour photo period. Was at 80% uv, and blues. 30% whites and zero green and red. Now 40% uv 60% blues and 30%white. Zero nitrates, less than .25 phosphates. :sad1:
I'm not the expert around here, but at first glance, if nitrate is a true 0, raising that is a good place to start. Are you sure your phos is .25?

More information is needed to make a better recommendation.
What is your alkalinity? Salinity?
What size tank?
How many fish? How much/ often do you feed?
How are you managin nutrients? (Chaeto? Carbon dosing? Etc)
What sps? (Acros? Montis? Etc.)
How far below the lights are the actual coral?

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What is your alk?

Also 0 nitrate and 0.25 phosphate is very unbalanced and will stress corals. You will either need to keep all three of alk, N and P low, or all tree needs to be high. You should not have one of them high and the others low, or vice versa.
My ALK is 10, MAG 1430, salinity. 1. 025, CA 490. I have stopped dosing CA to lower it. The tank is 150 gallons. I have hydra 26's (3) in a canopy about eight inches from water with a glass top at 80% UV & Blues, 30% white, 15% green 0% red. I have 4 tangs, white tail kole, yellow belly regal, chocolate, purple tangs, 3 anthis (1 Male two female) 3 chromis. Red mandarin, malcurus wrasse, two snowflake clowns, tiny anemone, yellow head sleeper gobie, and golden gobie recovering from injury. I have been dosing acropower, Reef snow, and green phytoplankton. The tank has been set up a year. The tank is in blackout because of brown diatoms. When I test nitrates with api test its showing zero and phospates is showing .25. I am running rowrpos gmo, aquaforest carbon and a refuge with copods for mandrian and sand sifting gobie. I just fragged an sps was starting to stn. Not working. The new sps I added are white, some color coming back on the turquoise Staghorn. The purple monster is brown with yellow and the other two Coral are looking white they are near the bottom of the tank.
let your alk drop to 8-8.5 then keep it there, shoot for 5ppm NO3 and .02-.05 PO4 and watch them recover.
you can either feed a little more to up NO3 and run GFO (ROWA my fav) passively or in reactor to control PO4.

just my .02

I've been in your situation when i had higher alk with nutrients out of wack.
Thank you. I made a mistake and overdosed the no3. Now I'm using nopox bring nitrates down to 5. Currently dkh is 9. Will keep monitoring. Some sps are stning or white. I think white ones are gone. Going to see if they come back at all.