Sps ID


New member
First 4 pics need help IDing the last one is just sharing

Picked up at the local fish store was brown when I bought it, and included had an Acro crab in it as well. Pretty interesting relationship he always comes out to eat when I feed heavy.


same fish store was also brown, ive been moving this one around the tank for intensity and flow


This one was from KC a while ago, just don't have the name for it, fast grower.


Picked this up at coral coral in the $5 section was the size of a quarter of a inch and brown, now it looks like it has a tan base with blue tips.


Just picked these up this week online, well the 5 in the middle, getting rid of the red planet on the left soon.


Thanks for looking!
One looks like aculeus, second sarmentosa (maybe) and the third Miami orchid. Not sure on #4, maybe tenuis.
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#4 is a tenuis I'm almost 100% sure on it,#2 isn't a sarmentosa,the coralites are too spaced out. Just my opinion.
Ted - If that is the piece that came out of my frag tank I believe it was a stag, I will have to look through some notes to see what it was. I know for sure it was a Limited Edition that I got from a guy in Sarasota tearing down his tank.

Remind me and I will circle back.