Sps Id


Premium Member
I got this coral about a year ago. It was brown with green polyps at that time. I have moved it all over, high flow, low flow, way up on the rock way down. It has lightened up to a creamy white with green polyps, grown only a little, and shows a slight tinge of purple around the base. That's the best I can get out of it.

Here's a pic when new about a year ago...


... I wwas hoping for some general thoughts on what it might be and where to move this coral for it's best responce.

I have to find a recent pick as well.

Thanks for the responce.

It may be. It does, in this early picture, look similar in structure to an aculeus frag I have, but that is coloring up and growing well. Slow but well.

I need to find and upload a more recent pic to show the growth of this coral.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10461378#post10461378 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chromafi
Anything anyone will tell you is just a guess.

well then I an guessing that you are just guessing about that