SPS keeping without CA reactor?


New member
How nececary is it to have a calcium reactor when keeping SPS corals?

I only wanted to keep a few in with an LPS tank that is going to be dosed with kalkwasser.
IMO it isn't necessary but more of a matter of convenience. A CA reactor would keep you from having to dose calcium supplements, but personally I think using a dosing pump and Randy Holmes-Farley's two part additive method is just as effective and cheaper also.

I don't use a Ca Reactor and have been using two-part only to keep Alk & Ca levels in check since 2003 or so. You can take a look at my SPS growth rates in this thread if interested


In my case thus far the two-part has not been cost prohibative and I don't trust the CO2 tank of a reactor around my pets and for other reasons. Any automated Ca delivery system chosen can malfunction though so make sure to safeguard for this.
You dont have to have a ca reactor to keep sps. I dont have a ca reactor.I dose with seachem products never had a problem.Thought I wish I had a ca reactor for convenience of not having to hand dose all the time.Pluse most of the tanks I see with them seam to have better growth.I would amagin it is becuse there is less fluctuation in there paramiters.
As long as you keep the Ca. and alk. up, it shouldn't matter what means you use.

My old tank was supplemented with only kalkwasser topoff and B-Ionic.