Sps polyps not extending


New member
So all my sps been growing like crazy. Superman, mystic sunset, bubblegum digi, forest fire etc. Had a phosphate spike and green hair went everywhere.
So I did phosphateRX for a week, no much results, then did a vodka dose..helped a little. Then I did gfo for about 3 weeks. This started in September.

All my levels are:
CA 440
Phosphate .25
Salinity 1.25
Mag 1500
PH 8.2
2hour blues
8 whites
2 hour blues

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Here is a pic. There were growing great but....stopped extending polyps and no more growth since the gfo and vodka dosing. Did I mess them up?

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It could be a number of things, too much flow, it enough flow, those particular corals do t extend a lot PE, the flame angel nipping at them, or any other number of reasons. I don’t get PE like some others either, but my stuff seems to be healthy and growing so I try to not obsess with it. A few show songs of small slight extension but nothing crazy like some others I see....and I’m just cool with that.

Don’t fret over it- it’s not the end of the world for the coral

I would watch that flame angel like a hawk for a few days. Over 20 years I have seen only a few not nip at sps
A single dose of vodka will do little to nothing for your reef. Vodka (and other carbon sources) is used as a food source for bacteria. In order for it to be effective, you need to dose for an extended period. As you ramp up dosing, your colony of bacteria will get larger and your skimmer will be removing the bacteria along with the phosphates/nitrates they are made of.
Cheers! Mark
Sounds like you just had a battle with hair algae. and probably stopped feeding. Your phosphates are now exceptable so I would take the phophateRX of line. The corals require the same nutrition as the algae to thrive including nitrates, your tank just got out of balance.
I'd say likely due to parameter swings as you tried multiple different approaches to a problem. Also could be the flame angel. Polyp extension though really isn't a bottom line indicator of health though. And yea, one vodka dose won't do anything. Its called dosing for a reason ;) got to do it every day for it to work.