sps predator driving me CRAZY!


New member
Hi, these days my corals are not doing well. At first I thoguht it was something like red bugs, or AEFW or water parameters. But I dont see any red bugs (I had red bug experiences so I know what I'm looking for). There are no "bite signs" that indicate AEFW and I dont see eggs either. Water parameter had a swing, but it stablized and I continue to see new problems come up.

I have a hunch it might be snails that are eating my coral. cuz I see them on my coral at times. There are miniscule and have a natulius like pattern. black stripe white than black. I have never seen ppl on ReefCentral with coral eating snail problems

If not maybe the flat starfish with funky lengthed legs. I KNOW those eat coral but I never knew they would populate enough to the degree of them eating my corals up like that

Here is what is happening... The coral will be fine in the day and next day when the lights turn on, I see a patch of skeleton on my coral. And the patch of skeleton continues to spread on the branch.

Here are some coral that were affected. They happened one after another

My milliporas first
then my monti danae
then my green slimer.

The patch spreads fast almost like RTN. I think having the monti being affect eliminates the possibility of AEFW.

The skeletons are left stark white and sometimes alittle blackened

I'll test my water parameter later and report back
Sundial snails eat corals, but typically zoos and other polyps. ive never heard of them munching on sps.
Do you have a pic??