About 6-8 weeks ago I had a perfect storm of sorts hit my tank. Several factors combined to basically start my sps frag tank into a slow crash. It started off as I was tweaking in a pump on my skimmer and it overflowed while I was traveling for work, but no problem, my ATO kept up with it.:sad2: which of course caused my sg to drop down to about 1.023.
somewhere along the line, my dehumidifier malfunctioned and stayed on long enough for the room temp to rise to about 80*, (its in the basement and I was gone all week) When I arrived home, I found the tank temp was 86*, and I dont know how long it had been that high. After I got all that under control, somehow one of my powerheads fell and blew my shallow sand bed all over the place.
So somewhere between the lower sg, the high temps, and the stirring of the sandbed releasing god knows what nastys, several of my sps started receding at the tips and at the bases. I completely lost a purple stag, and I had to chop up a very nice large mille that was almost the size of my hand.
So, that was all back in early september. Since that time I have been doing 30% weekly water changes, changing carbon, dips in revive and even a couple of iodine dips, but nothing seems to be putting a complete halt to the tips and bases receding.
While it has slowed down to a crawl, I still find myself breaking off tip every few days because they are getting brown film algea growing on them.
so do you think this is still lasting effects of the perfect storm, or do you think I may have something else going on?
my parameters:
sg 1.026( has been for several weeks)
alk 8-8.5 Salifert, tested 9 on Elos, has been rock steady through all this
calc 410 salifert
mag- unknown
nitrates unkown
p04- undetectable- i do run gfo, no algea growth in tank, except a thin film on glass every few days, and the tips of my sps,
somewhere along the line, my dehumidifier malfunctioned and stayed on long enough for the room temp to rise to about 80*, (its in the basement and I was gone all week) When I arrived home, I found the tank temp was 86*, and I dont know how long it had been that high. After I got all that under control, somehow one of my powerheads fell and blew my shallow sand bed all over the place.
So somewhere between the lower sg, the high temps, and the stirring of the sandbed releasing god knows what nastys, several of my sps started receding at the tips and at the bases. I completely lost a purple stag, and I had to chop up a very nice large mille that was almost the size of my hand.
So, that was all back in early september. Since that time I have been doing 30% weekly water changes, changing carbon, dips in revive and even a couple of iodine dips, but nothing seems to be putting a complete halt to the tips and bases receding.
While it has slowed down to a crawl, I still find myself breaking off tip every few days because they are getting brown film algea growing on them.
so do you think this is still lasting effects of the perfect storm, or do you think I may have something else going on?
my parameters:
sg 1.026( has been for several weeks)
alk 8-8.5 Salifert, tested 9 on Elos, has been rock steady through all this
calc 410 salifert
mag- unknown
nitrates unkown
p04- undetectable- i do run gfo, no algea growth in tank, except a thin film on glass every few days, and the tips of my sps,