SPS Roadtrip


Premium Member
Hey guys I will be driving to Lincoln, NE from Dallas,TX on Thursday and driving back on Monday. I have been looking up LFS and thought it might be cool to see if I could just meet some people a long the way and pickup more quality SPS frags. I know for sure I will be driving through the following cities.

1. Norman, Oklahoma
2. Witchita, Kansas
3. Lincoln, Nebraska

So if you want to do some fragging let me know!

You won't get any frags, but the Henry Dorly Zoo in Omaha has some nice reef set ups. It's been a few years since I've been there, but I remember being impressed
True, it's got a heck of a marine biologist, so the zoo there has several nice tanks. Definitely be a good thing to check out if you have some down-time. Check the "Clubs" section on RC for clubs in the area, and post your route there, you'll prolly find a better response.

- Mac
The only club in the area is the Omaha Marine Society, we have a forum here.

There is 3 fish stores in Lincoln that sell saltwater, but nothing as far as SPS go.

sorry man.