SPS shots round1

wrightnow - My lighting cycle is VHO's are on for 12hrs and my two outer MH's are on for 6 hrs and my middle MH is on for 2hrs while the other two MH's are on

Purple Haze - :beer:

CeeGee - LOL, I won't go back I love my EuroReef
skimmer its one hell of a skimmer!

ChAoTiCrEeFeR4U -Thanks!
makoj - thanks for the info, I'v got a 150 also with 2 400mh and 1 250mh and have been running the mh for about 10 hours with poor color.

I'm think if reducing my light period now after see your pics.

Thanks again
Ha....I live in Austin a few miles down the road from Mako and it just so happens I am getting some of these awesome corals this weekend!

Pictures are freaking amazing Brian. Look forward to the trade.