SPS Tank / Photon 48 questions


New member
Currently running a Photon 48 12" off water surface (sitting on top of my canopy).

My schedule is a 12 hour schedule that maxes out blues, and the whites only at 1%. Has a purple look to it, that for me is aesthetically pleasing. I've found if I get to 10% whites, I start getting burnt tips after a day or 2...and these corals are sitting about 36" under the light on the sandbed.

Anyone running a photon 48 on a similar tank (60x18x26) that can share their lighting schedule?
Do you think you're mistaking burnt tips for growth tips? How's polyp extension after you start seeing white tips?

I ran my Photon 24's, 13" off the water, with 80% Blue, 40% White and my Acropora grew like weeds.

What's your parameters at?
I dunno. My one Stylophora has a white tip and all polyps are retracted onZ. Birdsnest is the same.

Parameters are really good. 10 weeks or so into zeovit.

ph: 8.2
Alk: 8.3
Temp. 77.9
Salinity: 1.025
NO3, PO4: 0
CA: 485
Mg: 1400
Ah I run ZEOvit myself.

Your Alk is high, bring it down to 7.0-7.5
Calcium is way high, 410-420 is what you want.
Also your Mag needs to come down to about 1300.

I'd also test your Potassium.

How often do you do water changes and how much?
I am using Red Sea blue bucket. Was doing 10% weekly (12 gallon). Changed to 5% since I am so lightly stocked. I cannot get my calcium down and Alk has been staying 8.1-8.4 for about 30 days or so.

I am tempted to not do any changes til the calcium and alkalinity are used up naturally then start with the water changes.

Potassium? I have the kit, it's over 400.
I agree. Just let the calcium get down. It's way too high, as is your mag.

I think you're best bet would be to write on the ZEOvit forum and have G. Alexander give you advice. He's helped me through all my problems with ZEOvit
It's just them 2 corals. I also don't exactly know how to tune this light in. Will have to borrow a PAR meter to get some idea. Maybe I will get a Seneye. At least it has other uses if I need it.