

New member
anyone keeping them? Just wondering, I was looking around at the cephbase pictures and saw several pictures of them, but I don't see that anyone is really keeping squid from lurking... Am I missing it or is there a reason why there's not much info on them here?
I'm sorry if it was a dumb question, if you guys are not keeping them for difficulty then I would never do it. Is it more to do with the difficulty or is it that they are not interesting?

It;s deffinetly a difficulty thing! Both in getting them and in keeping them alive.

The main reason is that they are such a skittish animal. They are prone to getting scared easily and rushing backwards into the sides of the aquarium. This easily damages and tears the back of the mantle and is called 'butt burn'.

To keep them succesfully you would need a large, fiberglass pond with rounded edges and preferably sloping sides so that if they do go backwards they shoot up the side of the pond.

Dr Steve O'Shea is the only person I know of who is currently rearing baby squid from eggs. He is currently rearing approx 800 of them and he is a fellow TONMO.com moderator with his own section. Im sure he'd be interested in helping you out if you seriously wanted to try squiddage!!! :)

