St Jude Volunteer status update!


New member
Some of you asked me what's going on with the volunteer status. Seems you filled out applications and haven't heard anything back. Well here is the update:
Kevin Barnes 7/16/2006 No Application
Dustin Dowling 7/16/2006 No Application
Joy Jones 7/16/2006 Need back page of app
Roy Jones 7/16/2006 No Volunteer agreement
Nicholas Moore 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Vicki Moore 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Ramiro Pabalate 7/16/2006 No Volunteer agreement
Brandon Neider 7/16/2006 No Application, No Volunteer agreement
Catherine Peck 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Richard Rendos 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Lisa Scott 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
George Warren 7/16/2006 No Application
Steve Zombirt 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Applications received but did not attend the Orientation session:
Jennifer Bermel
Willem Bermel
Larry Casey
Stephen Walker
* Another Orientation can be scheduled at any time. I just need to know how many and when.*

So anyone interested in getting in on the St Jude Volunteer program for working on the aquarium's please let me know.

• Only the 1st, 2nd, and 4th pages of the application need to be completed.
• Return the necessary forms to Eula Ellington via mail or fax:
901-495-2720 or
Volunteer Services, MS #102
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
332 N. Lauderdale
Memphis TN 38105
• Volunteers need to clock in and out at volunteer office, and only club members who have received their acceptance letters are eligible to come to the hospital and participate in the program. Of course anyone is welcome to come take a tour during the week or visit the gift shop and Pavilion.
• Any members who missed the orientation can sign up for one of the regularly scheduled sessions by calling Eula at 495-3327. You just need to identify yourself as "aquarium volunteers" and let her know you do not need to attend the information session part.
Updated info:

Willem Bermel 11/4/2006 COMPLETE
Jennifer Bermel 11/4/2006 COMPLETE
Nicholas Moore 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Vicki Moore 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Catherine Peck 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Richard Rendos 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Lisa Scott 7/16/2006 COMPLETE
Steve Zombirt 7/16/2006 COMPLETE