Stacked Frag Tank Build (picture heavy)


New member
A few weeks ago we officially started building 2 more frag tanks. We've been thinking of going "all out" for a while. We took down our 125 display and have moved everything over to our 6'x3' frag tank and purchased a 2'x4' frag tank for quarantine. The set up will now consist of 2 3'x6' and 2'x4' linked frag tanks as well as our 3'x6' quarantine tank. Instead of putting a ton of writing I'll show everything via pictures.

The cutting station (who needs to walk through the living room)







What is the brand name of the flood tables that you are using.
Botanicare. We tried using the black ones but they are much less durable and have a large lip limiting how high it can be filled.

Looks cool man, south Florida we don't have basements only the beach. It would be nice to have something like this
This is our first floor fish room. Although tons of room for expansion in the basement... I'd trade for the beach
Awesome build. I'm beginning something similar but on a much smaller scale. One of my favorite parts is the security camera in the top corner... :spin1: Deter the bad guys. Dr. Mac at Pacific East lost a bunch of priceless brood stock corals to thieves at his retail facility. They should have kicked their a**es!
Sometime in the fall of last year. It was a couple from the DE reef club I think. They have video proof, etc. and are currently in court proceedings. Unfortunately several one of a kind corals were lost by these crooks.
Yes cameras have become a must these days. 3 local fish stores have been robbed, one even caught on camera. We're not having random people over to our house but it gives me piece of mind.... as if 4 dogs wasn't already a deterent
Nice build, lots of good ideas.

You should also prominently display this, and get a pic of a remi 870 leaning against a frag tray :)
