stand design question


Premium Member
I have a standard 180 (72x24) and I want to put a 48x24 fuge under it. I need ideas for building the stand. Since the fuge is the same depth as the tank I am concerned with how to support the tank. I will have 2 external pumps that will share space with the fuge under the stand and stetting up the fuge remotely is not an option. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Are you putting all your equipment under the tank? I am reffering to your sump and all other equipment beside the fuge and pumps? If so, you will not have room to do so. You may want to scrub the idea of such a large fuge in the stand if you can't remote your equipment to another room. JMO
Mike, the fuge will be a sump/fuge combo. Sorry about not mentioning that. I was considering building a smaller cabnet to sit next to the stand for equipment but haden't decided yet.
t-bone2, I actually want to have a 6 in ledge all the way around the tank. I am just concerned that without any supports directly below the tank that I may have problems.
I would install several extra cross beams so that those cross beams dont drop off of the external perimiter supported from below.
Stephen, it could be done with steel. I've been discussing the idea with Jeff, the welder, and he says it can be done with a double top rail and lots of metal on top.