Stand question

Hey Gang,
After finally getting moved, I am setting the tank back up. I am hoping someone in this group can help even though I am no longer in Florida. The club involvement is almost nonexistent here šŸ˜ž
I am attaching a couple of pictures of the current situation. The tank is level all the way around. Stand is touching the floor on all four corners, the problem is in the middle of the stand where it is not touching the floor. I have been under the crawl space and there is plenty of support under the area of the tank. I am not sure if when I fill the tank that it will solve the gap or if it will put strain on the tank.
Any thoughts or input would be appreciated.
I can provide additional pictures if needed


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Floors are never perfect. Buy some composite shims from Home Depot or Lowe's. And shim the stand. You can level it out and fill in all gaps

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You can just do the front but you should be able to reach behind the stand and slide a shim wherever you can

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Since you can already almost see under the front gap already...

One evening, get a flashlight and put it on the floor behind the stand, shinning down the length of the stand and floor, turn off all you lights in that area.

Look through your front gap to see if you can see any light from the rear (your gonna see a little, but a gap will be evident if there is one). If not, your good along the back, and I would just put wood shims slightly under the front gap, and fill the system. Once filled, you can tap in or pull out the skims as needed.