Your tank is young and is high in nutrients atypical of a cyano bloom, id cut back any feeding by 50%, lower lighting cycle time by 25%-50% it LOVES light big time...... at least, and do a 20% water change weekly at min. until nitrates read low. Id also add nitrifying bacteria after ea. water change to encourage a larger bacteria buildup such as BioS from Aquaforest. Do not add any more live stock of any kind as that will simply overload the natural bacteria until the tank matures naturally. When the cyano bacteria is gone & you don't have any diatom or algae blooms then the tank is ready for 1 additional creature at a time spaced out over 2 weeks to a month allowing the slower growing good bacteria to grow and catch up with the additional bio load otherwise the tank will keep cycling endlessly, it can be a test of ones patience getting the balance just right in the beginning.