start using acropower?

I tried at different times when I started using it. Seemed to work best when I fed during the day (afternoon) right before feeding time. splitting it up seems like a good idea
One of the things that people don't always seem to realize it that amino acids are a nitrogen source, and with any nitrogen source you have to be careful not to put too much in the tank. The coral will only benefit from so much AA in the water column the rest will get used by anything else that uses it to grow. Which is why so many people get cyano when they start using Acropower and the inadvertently add too much. My best advice is to dose daily, during the day if you can. I would start at half the recommend dosage and see if you get results (2-3 weeks), then maybe add a little more if you don't see any thing happening. If you do see results, aka better coloration, I would leave the dosage where it is. As I wrote above the acros will only take in so much AA the rest is going to go into the tank, so once you have found a good dosage adding more generally won't give you better results.
nitrogen is used pretty quickly. Doing a larger dose every other day or one big dose once a week I think increases the chance that your coral will not be able to absorb all of the AA you are adding and the rest goes to feed algae. I still think it is better too do small doses daily, rather than large doses at less frequent intervals. But dose however you want just be aware that you are adding a nitrogen source that algae uses as well and you will be fine.
I was dosing it hourly and had a cyano breakout. I stopped a few weeks ago and I'm just now getting the tank back to normal.

Ill try again later at half dose.