Starting 240 gallon Build! Plumbing Ideas Needed!!


I bought a 240 Gallon Acrylic Aquarium and have recently moved to Tucson AZ. I am now ready to begin setting this thing up. But I do not want to rush it and make mistakes. I plan to have at least 200+ gallons for the sump, refugium and maybe a remote DSB. I have a 125 gallon and a 55 gallon tanks to use in this setup as well as a 100 gallon brute stock tank. I would like to incorporate all these into the system. What I want to do is have these in the garage and nothing really under the tank itself in the stand except miscellaneous or something. My first question of this project is how do I plumb the water from the 240 to the garage? Do I need a pump to get the water to the garage from the overflows? Please give me your thoughts and ideas. The tank is Reef Ready and also is drilled for a closed loop system. By the way I have all the equipment ready, including 2X Tunze 6100's with 7095 Controller, MRC-3R Skimmer, Dual Chamber MRC Calc. Reactor etc. Plumbing guru's WANTED!
fitch.... i think that if you have the plumbing going down hill you wont need to have a pump........... you will need a pretty good pump to pump it back though.
This won't be down hill for except from the tank and then it will be horizontal and then maybe up as well. So if I need a pump should I stick the 55 gallon below the tank and have the overflows from tank go into that and then pump the water from that?

I get what you are saying. Basically, you will have your new tank flushed against the wall leading adjacent (behind) to the garage. I am assuming that your tank is already reef ready with overflows. Simply, take overflows and instead of running them straight down to your sump, refugium underneath your tank, make them run through the wall leading to your garage.
For what it's worth, I am creating my new 265g. I hope to start a thread on this in the next day or too. I have chosen to use a Reeflo Dart pump, although, I have decided not to run this to my garage for now (and this could change). This pump is strong enough to handle your project and should work great for your system. I have researched it thoroughly and heard some very positive things about the power as well as the quietness. I am actually creating my own sump/refugium from a 55g glass tank based upon a thread created by our very own RC member, t11t5.
Here is the link to the 55g sump/refugium thread:

Here is the link to the actual Reeflo Dart pump:

I hope this helps!