I am in the process of laying out a 400g display tank build. I have it all laid out on paper and was wondering if anybody knew of any software I could use to visually layout the system. I have been a reefer for 10 years but all my builds have been under 50 gallons so this will be my first large build. I want to incorporate a frag tank, refugium, sump and a live food generator to the main system. I will be including a quarantine system with a sump and frag tank also. I will be designing a saltwater mixing and freshwater top off station that includes salt water, fresh water, and highly conc saltwater reservoirs.
It has been about 3 years of researching TOTM tanks and community tanks to figure out what I want but I am still learning new things every day. I just wanted to lay out the system visualy and see what this community thinks about my build for pointers from more experienced large reef aquarist.
Thank you for your help.
It has been about 3 years of researching TOTM tanks and community tanks to figure out what I want but I am still learning new things every day. I just wanted to lay out the system visualy and see what this community thinks about my build for pointers from more experienced large reef aquarist.
Thank you for your help.