New member
ok so ive been waiting for a shipment of DRY fiji to come in now for some time now...most everyone i talk to says im crazy to not start my tank off with live rock...but my LFS which i trust and knows their stuff really good says i should use dry rock because later down the road my tank will be infested with worms and parasites etc etc...what is your opinion on this? its been a long time and i really wanna get my tank going now its been sitting there for weeks but my LFS says i have put so much $ into it and its such a nice tank that i would ruin it by buying live rock and infesting the tank..its a 300g reef btw
What is your opinions on this? start it with LIVE ROCK or wait for the DRY ROCK? thanks guys!
What is your opinions on this? start it with LIVE ROCK or wait for the DRY ROCK? thanks guys!