steel or wood stand


New member
My new tank will either be 60x30x30 or 60x36x30 all with 3/4 glass. I'm leaning towards a steel stand, but wanted some opinnions on the pros and cons either way? The tank will be in a fishroom in the garage with only the front panel for viewing inside the house. The sump will not be directly under the tank, so no stand braces will be in the way. Also would like some input from others that have built a fishroom in the garage? I'm assuming temp. fluctuations and humidity will be the 2 worst enemies. If you have a fishroom in the garage are you happy with it? Would you do it again? Thanks in advance for any help or info!
My stand is wood and my sump is in the garage.I prefer this I used to have my tank and sump together(old 150 gal) and I always found the limited space a pain.I do see now that its winter my heater is running more often.My garage is heated but its not insulated the best so cold air does get in.I will have to wait and see when summer comes along.I do intend to change out my garage doors to insulate the room better.I love having extra space to work or add things to the tank.Steel stands are nice.I was going to go with steel but my guy was to busy plus in my case I would have to dress the stand.I will probably use an a/c unit in the summer to control humidity.Since the garage is all concrete I am not worried so much about destroying it due to humidity but I will have to add the a/c or chiller to control heat.It does get hot and humid here in the summer.
And does everybody agree Starphire makes a big difference? Roughly how much extra can I expect to spend for just the front glass to be starphire?
I am planning an almost identical system, same tank dimensions except in 24" tank height (sick of dunking my head in my current 30" tank). Tagging along....
I built a Starphire tank that was 60 X 24 X 30 and I got a metal stand for mine. I got a metal stabd made just cause I wanted to make sure it held under the weight.
I just built a wooden stand for the 270 I'm putting in the wall (72" L x 36" W x 24" D)
Will be building a room around the back of the tank in the garage.

I originally intended to use steel but the cost was between 3-5x more for steel than wood.

Yea I just priced some square tubing at my LSS and 2" is now $3.00 a ft. Nice job on the stand! Are you going to have any access to your tank from inside the house(like for feeding)?