Stepping up on lighting game. Blackbox to kessil.


New member
Hey guys, getting two kessil 360we pretty soon. Been growing sps with ine black box (suprisingly) but its time to finally flip the switch. Question is.. Any need to acclimate?

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I guess it's too late for me to say... For the price you paid for kessil, it's more worthwhile to spend on ati. Kessil can bring out the sps colour at best about 50% of what ati can do. I have ati, mh and two kessil 160s.

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Cause I've seen kessils and ecotech and I like the coral colors better on the kessils to be honest.

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I also do not think that this is much of an upgrade. I hope that it works for you. Kessil is nowhere near an output powerhouse - I would not worry too much about acclimating.
I have two 360's going on a 26 inch spread so I think it should suffice

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Some Kessil owners have experienced a bit of coral "burn" from putting the corals too close to the top or running 100% intensity right off the bat with them after switching light sources. Just watch them and see how they react.
When I switched from mH to Kessil, I started at 60% intensity and gradually ramped it up over a period of a month when I noticed no burning.

I now run only kessils on my tank after 15 yrs of mH and could not be more pleased.